Dec 17, 2014

Elder Adamek Weekly Update - Dec. 15, 2014


His name is Elder Garvin and he is awesome! I was companionless for about a day and a half this past week until Tuesday afternoon when a small group of four new missionaries arrived, ready to start their two-year sojourn in the Idaho Nampa Mission. After a meeting, lunch, and tracting experience, we were assigned to our new companions. It's apparent to me that Elder Garvin, who hails from various parts of Utah, is a great missionary in the making and I'm privileged to be able to help him get started on his mission path. It's not a responsibility I take lightly. He enjoys computers, programming, software, and binary . . . so I'm lost.

I was in a lot of meetings this past week, but it was all right because I learned a lot from each of them. I learned quite a bit about Christlike attributes and how they relate to personal improvement, leadership, and improving as a missionary. Also, breaking up the meeting with moments of hilarity was our mission president who is able to crack a joke once in a while. Speaking about righteousness, all of a sudden he said, "Isn't that something people say . . . 'totally righteous man!'" Oh that was great!

I hope that you all are not stressing out about Christmas. It's been a real relief to focus on Jesus Christ, the reason for this time of year.

We helped with a luncheon for senior citizens of the community this past week. It was a lot of fun, serving up the meal and giving them cobbler and ice cream. I had a good conversation with a gentleman who took the time to point out my receding hairline. Sometimes I really think that the Spirit helps increase my wit in times like that in order to handle comments that would otherwise pass by me like the wind. 

I hope you all have a great week!


Elder Adamek

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